Keep South Carolina Wild

with SCWF

The SCWF relies very heavily on our volunteers.

We have some volunteers who come into the office regularly to help with clerical work.  We also have special events throughout the year when we need extra help from volunteers.  You can find out about our volunteer needs through this website, and also through email notifications.  To receive notifications by email, please join our email list below.

Litter Sweeps

SCWF periodically holds litter sweeps across the state! You can check out scheduled litter sweeps on our events page, or help us set one up!

Special Events

  • September: National Hunting & Fishing Day in Seneca
  • Fall: Nest box maintenance in several locations

Check back often for other upcoming events!

Working Outdoors

Gardeners are needed to assist with wildlife habitat gardens at various schools, businesses and other community places.

  • Stream monitoring: volunteers are needed to do streams surveys of culverts that may be blocking access for aquatic organisms.
  • Oyster shell recycling: volunteers are needed to transport oyster shells to and from recycling centers – the shells are then used to build habitat along the coast and protect our shoreline!

SCWF Representative

Setting up and participating in various fairs (i.e. Palmetto Sportsmen’s Classic, National Hunting and Fishing Day, Earth Day, and others)

Office Aid

On the last Monday of each month, SCWF will hold an in-office volunteer day, where volunteers can assist SCWF staff with assembling milkweed seed packets, placing labels on Ranger Rick magazines, assembling habitat brochures, sending out mailers, and other office-related tasks. Sign up using the form below and please specify which month you would like to volunteer. We will not hold an office volunteer day in December.


If you have specific talents that you feel SCWF would benefit from (i.e. public speaking, design skills), please let us and know and we can work together on collaborating projects.

To volunteer for any of the above opportunities, please click on the link below.

Upcoming Events

Apr 01
Wild Webinar Wednesdays
Get connected with nature during our Wild Webinar Wednesdays! Tune in every Wednesday in April at noon to learn about a...

Photo sources: Boot: Ryan McRae, Boots at McClellanville. Landscape: Susan Clayton, Sunset over Pond. Alligator: Andrew May, Nap on the Lawn. Bottom Landscape: Debra Partridge, Wood Storks.

Support our wildlife, waters, and wild places by donating today