Keep South Carolina Wild

Take Action

Just like you, we value South Carolina’s unique habitats and wildlife. Our mission since 1931 has been to safeguard these irreplaceable resources for generations to come through  science-based education and advocacy.

Together, we can protect wildlife and habitats.
Here’s how you can help:

Upcoming Events

Dec 05
Palmetto Pro Birders: Huntington Beach State Park
Huntington Beach State Park. Meet in the state park office parking lot.
Join us for a day of birding at Huntington Beach State Park, rated as the top eBird hotspot in South Carolina....
Dec 07
Working for Wildlife – Volunteer Workday
Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge: 23734 U.S. Highway 1 McBee, SC 29101
Friends, volunteers and staff of Carolina Sandhills NWR along with the SC Wildlife Federation will host a workday at the refuge...
Feb 25
Conservation Lobby Day & Oyster Roast
SC State House
REGISTRATION OPENING SOON! SAVE THE DATE!! Join SCWF and the SC Conservation Coalition, a statewide alliance of over 40 conservation organizations,...

Support our wildlife, waters, and wild places by donating today

Raise Your Voice for Conservation

Your voice matters! Tell your lawmakers that protecting South Carolina’s wildlife and natural habitats is a top priority.