Keep South Carolina Wild

Outdoor Skills

Enjoying the outdoors safely and responsibly takes a little planning and preparation, basic skills and proper equipment. SCWF programs teach these basics and leave the participants with a greater understanding and appreciation of their natural world and a desire to get active outdoors and do their part to conserve natural resources for future generations to enjoy.

Get outdoors with SCWF today!

Palmetto Outdoors
Women (POWR)

SCWF is proud to offer programs which provide women of all ages with the skills needed to participate in outdoor recreation – including archery, birding, fishing, hunting, kayaking, paddleboarding, and much more. We now offer two retreats each year, POWR and POWR Up, for women to learn these skills in a supportive environment – see below for details on each of these retreats. We also offer one-day workshops called POWR+ throughout the year in locations around the state to build upon the topics introduced in the retreats.

National Hunting & Fishing Day

National Hunting and Fishing Day promotes the contributions of hunters and anglers to conservation. It is traditionally held the fourth Saturday in September across the country. South Carolina celebrates with a free event in Seneca to introduce kids and people of all ages to the basics of hunting, fishing and many other outdoor activities so they can learn to enjoy these activities safely and sustainably.

Camp Wildwood

Camp Wildwood is a high energy hands on, outdoor environmental camp sponsored by the Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., the South Carolina Wildlife Federation, the Harry Hampton Memorial Wildlife Fund, South Carolina State Parks, and the  South Carolina Department of Natural Resources.

Camp Wildwood is a fun-filled week during which high school students can experience the many aspects of their natural environment. It is a place to discover that we are part of nature and everything we do in some way affects the natural balance. At Camp Wildwood, you acquire the knowledge and appreciation needed for the protection and wise use of our natural resources.

Scholarships are available through SCWF – inquire for more information to BeBe Dalton Harrison, SCWF Director of Education.

Support our wildlife, waters, and wild places by donating today