Keep South Carolina Wild


Women’s Spring Hike at Forty Acre Rock Heritage Preserve

April 18, 2022

The 2nd annual Women’s Spring Hike at Forty Acre Rock Heritage Preserve was a great success! This special area in Lancaster County, managed by SCDNR, contains an abundance of unique native flora and fauna, as well as an impressive 14-acre granite rock with stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Master Naturalists Tara Boone and April Rodgers led the group of 20 hikers, and shared their knowledge of native plants and flowers as well as the geology of the area. The group explored two areas of the preserve, ending the hike at the giant granite outcroppings. Everyone was very involved, and enjoyed sharing knowledge and spending time outdoors with other like-minded women.

Pictured L to R; Southern Nodding Trillium, Common Violet; Mayapple, Wild Geranium, Wild Ginger/Little Brown Jug.

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