Keep South Carolina Wild
October 31, 2024
The team at Martin Marietta’s Berkeley Quarry goes above and beyond to educate local students and the community about the natural history of the Cross, South Carolina area, and how the quarry functions while respecting our natural resources.
Combined with numerous field trips, which include visits with local schools, gem and mineral clubs and community organizations, Berkeley Quarry’s crew educates close to 1,000 people annually, sharing information about a little known underground world that is normally hidden from view. Fossil collecting, geode breaking stations, a child mining area, quarry tours and geology lessons are among the activities that visitors enjoy while learning from the site’s knowledgeable and talented team members.
In addition to the geological interests of the area, habitat creation and preservation is important to Martin Marietta as well. Working with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources and American Forest Management, the Berkeley Quarry team has set aside several hundred acres of forested land that is intended to preserve habitat for both birds and animals. Wood duck boxes have also been installed on the grounds, and the area is regularly patrolled by a bald eagle that glides through the skies in search of prey.
Through community education, wildlife habitat creation and sustainable practices, Martin Marietta exemplifies how a large corporation should operate in an ecologically responsible way.
We hope this approach continues for years to come!
SCWF partners with conservation-minded businesses throughout the state who want to help wildlife thrive by enhancing their properties and providing educational opportunities for their employees and communities. Read more about the WAIT Program, and how to join here.
Tags: Martin Marietta, WAIT, WAIT Partner
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