Keep South Carolina Wild


Posts tagged: Webinars

December 22, 2022

Published in Columbia Star – December 22, 2022 By Mike Cox Don Myers participates in SCWF’s annual “Plishing” event. On October 28, 1931, a group of 150 sportsmen gathered to establish the South Carolina...

September 11, 2020

September News & Updates from SCWF We can hardly believe September is here! As students get back to their schoolwork and hunters return to the field, we are continuing to work hard to provide...

August 13, 2020

August News & Updates from SCWF Our August is off to a strong start! We had a successful online summer auction, our free education classes continue to serve the masses, and we are making...

July 17, 2020

July News & Updates from SCWF The hot South Carolina days of summer are here! Take a break from your outdoor adventures and join our online auction + upcoming free webinars! Then…head back outside...

June 17, 2020

We’re almost halfway through 2020 and every month seems to meet us with a new twist and turn. Because of coronavirus, we shifted our classes online with great success. The events surrounding the #BlackLivesMatter...