Keep South Carolina Wild
September 25, 2021
Senator Lindsey Graham is cosponsoring a bipartisan bill that will fund locally led efforts to help prevent extinctions and help wildlife thrive nationwide. “America’s wildlife are in crisis and this groundbreaking legislation tackles the...
September 14, 2021
SCCL Board Secretary Cynthia Rudolph holds the Community Wildlife Habitat Certification certificate presented by Sara Green, executive director of the S.C. Wildlife Federation. From left are Dianne Abel, Michelle Evans, Terry Graham, Rudolph and...
April 26, 2021
Sharing from Columbia Star: April 22, 2021 By Arlene Marturano SCGardenLearning on Facebook In recognition of Earth Day, the W. Gordon Belser Arboretum in Sherwood Forest celebrated receiving certification as a Palmetto...
June 26, 2019
Letter to the Editor in the Post & Courier 6/26/19 Hurricane season is here, and the 1st Congressional District has a lot to be grateful for. Stretching from about Awendaw to the Savannah River,...
November 25, 2018
Disappearing habitat is a problem worldwide. Most endangered species have that status because of habitat loss. Two thirds of the world’s forests are already gone. Most people feel helpless when it comes to saving...