Keep South Carolina Wild


Posts tagged: Education

July 17, 2023

Article by Erin Weeks. Published in The Aiken Standard on July 8, 2023 Nature lovers gathered at the Hopelands Gardens guest cottage on Friday morning for a lecture on identifying birds by their...

May 30, 2023

Congratulations to our newly minted class of Midlands Master Naturalists! We recently celebrated their achievement with a nature hike at Congaree National Park, where we saw the largest loblolly pine in the nation. The...

May 28, 2023

On April 17th, we held our second POWR+ class–On the Water Boating Orientation at Lake Moultrie. POWR+ classes are an extension of our annual Palmetto Outdoors Women Retreat (POWR) designed to offer in-depth instruction...

May 24, 2023

SCWF Executive Director Sara Green was honored to appear on the popular South Carolina ETV program, “Making it Grow” to share some of SCWF’s programs including, Plishing, Community Habitats, Wildlife And Industry Together (WAIT),...

May 1, 2023

The South Carolina Wildlife Federation is honored to be in a position to distribute educational grants to full-time students pursuing environmental education at South Carolina schools of higher education. Both undergraduate and graduate students...

April 3, 2023

SCWF recently hosted its first POWR+ (Palmetto Outdoor Women’s Retreat+) day in Mountain Rest, South Carolina. POWR+ is the name for our women’s events that take retreat participants beyond the basics. These classes are...

March 29, 2023

We have already had our first three Midlands Master Naturalist classes! This 12-week course is designed to teach identification skills, ecological concepts, and natural history of the plants, animals, and ecosystems encountered in the...

November 29, 2022

White-tailed deer in the grass by Lindsay Pettinicchi Imagine being deep in the woods, fallen leaves on the trail, clear blue Carolina sky above, birds and squirrels are active all around you, and suddenly...

September 16, 2022

Thank you to the Columbia Metropolitan Magazine for featuring SCWF in their September issue! Click here for the online article on their website. By Meghan Daniel Photography by Robert Clark The South Carolina Wildlife...

September 13, 2022

The South Carolina Wildlife Federation (SCWF) is excited to announce the selection of ten South Carolina teachers to participate in a new pilot project, “Wildlife Connections from the Mountains to the Sea”, developed by...