Keep South Carolina Wild


Community Feature: Naturalist Zach Steinhauser provides nesting boxes to Fourteen Mile Creek in Lexington, S.C.

March 05, 2019

We love hearing about ways our supporters and partners are making improvements around the state for our wildlife and wildlife habitat!

Zach Steinhauser, a Naturalist based at Wingard’s Market (A fabulous place to purchase native plants in Lexington, S.C.) has recently taken the time to provide the cavity nesting birds of Fourteen Mile Creek in Lexington with some “new real estate.” Zach has installed 10 nest boxes along the trail, courtesy of his business, to provide new homes & future generations to the local bird population for Lexington residents. As Spring time approaches, many of the park’s resident bird species will be seeking a new home to raise their families, so these boxes are sure to come in handy!

Fourteen Mile Creek Trail is a hidden gem just outside of Downtown Lexington. Located at the corner of Old Cherokee Rd & No.6 Highway this park serves as a walking trail alongside Fourteen Mile Creek allowing people to experience nature in more ways than just a quick “walk in the woods.”

We’re thankful for people like Zach who spend their time helping our critters and their habitats, and we’re sure the birds are thankful too.

Photos provided by Zach Steinhauser


Have you or someone you know recently done something to help our wildlife and wildlife habitat in South Carolina? We want to hear about it! Send nominations for future community features to for a chance to be featured on our blog.

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