Keep South Carolina Wild
July 24, 2023
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act! Join us as we highlight species throughout the year that have benefited from this landmark legislation.
This week is shark week! Take a dive with us into the fascinating world of sharks and their importance in ocean ecosystems. The oceanic whitetip shark is a federally threatened species that lives off South Carolina’s coast and is a pelagic species, meaning they are found exclusively in waters of the open ocean. Sharks are a keystone species, and as top predators, they keep ocean ecosystems in balance by maintaining healthy prey populations and keeping vital habitats healthy. The oceanic whitetip in particular faces threats that caused its listing under the Endangered Species Act, including incidental bycatch in commercial fisheries and harvest for international trade due to their highly valuable fins. Help spread awareness on the importance of sharks and all fish by learning more about best fishing practices and joining our Plishing Challenge!
Learn more about the oceanic whitetip shark.
Learn more about best fishing practices.
Join our Plishing challenge, which is open through August 31st
Published December 9th in Post & Courier - From brook trout to bobwhites, wildlife is part of what defines South Carolina. Unfortunately, more than 800 local species of concern...
We share our state with wild creatures who inspire wonder. Maybe you have paddled through the Sparkleberry Swamp and seen the vivid yellow of a Prothonotary warbler, or hiked in...
By Sara Green, SCWF Executive Director Last month, SCWF took an amazing group of birders on a fantastic trip to Costa Rica! I got to tag along and help with...