Keep South Carolina Wild

Palmetto Outdoor Academy Instructors

SCWF is honored to have these experts dedicated to leading our classes and sharing their knowledge and passion with us through SCWF’s Palmetto Pro Birder & Naturalist Training programs.

Austin Jenkins

Dr. Austin Jenkins is a native of Camden, SC and studied Biology Education at The Citadel. He went on to study various and sundry plants and animals at Clemson University. A Naturalist at USC Sumter, Jenkins teaches Natural History of SC and Environmental Biology.

Austin teaches various naturalist trainings for SCWF, as well as facilitating the Midlands Master Naturalist Class.

Drew Lanham

Dr. Drew Lanham is a lifelong birder, an ornithologist and a professor at Clemson University. His research interests include: songbird ecology and conservation; integration of game and nongame wildlife management; the African American land ethic and its role in natural resources conservation. Drew is a Certified Wildlife Biologist & Certified Senior Ecologist, and the co- host of the popular birding show on the “Your Day” radio program.

Drew teaches Palmetto Pro Birder classes for SCWF as well as leading trips out-of-state, and abroad.

Tim Lee

A native South Carolinian, Tim has studied and taught as a naturalist and biologist throughout the southeast for more than 26 years. For the past 16 years he has been the Interpretive Ranger/Naturalist for South Carolina State Park Service’s Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area where he conducts research and provides educational programs for children and adults. He also teaches the Upstate South Carolina Master Naturalist Program and is an Educational Leadership Partner for the South Carolina Aquarium. Tim contributes data to the National Midwinter Bald Eagle Survey and to regional and local bird counts.

Tim teaches Palmetto Pro Birder classes for SCWF.

John Nelson

Dr. John Nelson is the retired Curator of the Herbarium within the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina, in Columbia. The Herbarium is committed to public service through a formal offering of free plant identifications (932 in calendar year 2015), and through a regular, weekly newspaper column called “Mystery Plant”, and he is very pleased to be regularly invited as the “Mystery Doctor with the Mystery Plant” in Clemson’s “Making it Grow!” SCETV series.

John teaches one-day naturalist training classes for SCWF as well as assisting with the Midlands Master Naturalist course.

Irvin Pitts

Irvin retired from a career with the South Carolina State Park Service where he served as Parks Biologist and Chief of Resource Management. Prior to that, he worked at Table Rock and Caesars Head State Parks as park naturalist. Irvin is a current member and former president of the Carolina Bird Club. He currently serves on the South Carolina Bird Records Committee and is a e-bird reviewer for South Carolina’s Piedmont region. He lives in Lexington, SC.

Irvin teaches Palmetto Pro Birder classes for SCWF.

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